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Case StudiesRecruitment

Executive Network Group

Overview of Executive Network Group

Established in 1999, Executive Network Group have been at the forefront of identifying, assessing, and securing top-quality senior talent to address the intricate talent challenges in today’s ever-changing business landscape. They don’t just solve talent challenges though, they are revolutionising the recruitment experience by streamlining processes, elevating standards, and driving success for both organisations and top-tier professionals.


Executive Network Group engaged NCZ as they needed to establish a credible journey to net zero, understand where emissions originate from and where costs can be reduced. They also needed to establish a targeted approach to decarbonisation to ensure maximum success.

Phase 1

Establishing the baseline

(ISO 14064 organisational carbon footprint report)
NCZ Silver Certification. Establish complete carbon footprint for the business to drive reductions and cost savings.
102.14 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3


Phase 2 Initial assessment and solutions (quick wins)

Using the reported baseline of emissions, we were able to immediately assess and recommend solutions that would significantly reduce carbon emissions and costs, including:


  • Encouraging employees to use less emissions intensive modes of transport, including hybrid or electric vehicles, or car-pooling/ public transport for business related travel.
  • Switching to a renewable electricity tariff, implementing reduction measures to reduce gas consumption, as well as switching to a carbon neutral gas tariff. As they are in a serviced office, these measures will require buy-in from the landlord.
  • Switching the rest of the company vehicle fleet towards hybrid and/ or EV.

Phase 3

Carbon reduction strategy

(the mid-term targets)
Once Phase 2 is complete we use the baseline footprint to map out a tailored strategy to reduce Executive Network Group’s carbon emissions on its journey to net zero. Throughout this process NCZ guides and facilitates the relevant expertise required from our approved supply partners directory to ensure the lowest impact of products/ services.
Scope 1

Company vehicles

Switching the rest of the company vehicle fleet towards hybrid/ electric, as well as encouraging the use of other less emissions intensive modes of transport i.e., public transport.

Scope 1

Company vehicles

Switching the rest of the company vehicle fleet towards hybrid/ electric, as well as encouraging the use of other less emissions intensive modes of transport i.e., public transport.

102.14 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Switching to a renewable electricity tariff and implementing reduction measures to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Engaging with the supply-chain to understand and encourage them to calculate their own carbon footprint, to enable decision making on spend-based emissions factors and collaboration on efficiency measures.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Switching to a renewable electricity tariff and implementing reduction measures to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Engaging with the supply-chain to understand and encourage them to calculate their own carbon footprint, to enable decision making on spend-based emissions factors and collaboration on efficiency measures.

Scope 1

Company vehicles

Switching the rest of the company vehicle fleet towards hybrid/ electric, as well as encouraging the use of other less emissions intensive modes of transport i.e., public transport.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Switching to a renewable electricity tariff and implementing reduction measures to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Engaging with the supply-chain to understand and encourage them to calculate their own carbon footprint, to enable decision making on spend-based emissions factors and collaboration on efficiency measures.

Next steps: NCZ Gold Certification. By analysing and understanding the complete footprint of all aspects of the business and establishing various intensity metrics that will enable ENG to quantify and manage the emissions associated with its activities/ service they will be able to further engage their client base. NCZ Gold Certification will enable ENG to report on the specific impact of each placement made, providing exceptional value and insight to its clients.

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