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Case StudiesFM - security

Corps Security Ltd

At Corps, we live by our People, Planet and Purpose philosophy. We are committed to limiting the negative environmental impact of our operations and doing the right thing for our communities. NCZ help us do just that – their unique carbon management platform enables us to track our journey to Net Zero, and provides all the support and tools we need to monitor, report, and reduce our emissions effectively

Paul LotterManaging Director

Overview of Corps Security Ltd

When Corps formed in 1859, they had a clear social mission – to help ex-military into worthwhile employment in the security sector and that mission is still at the heart of what they do. With over 160 years as proven experts in the security sector, they’re also committed to sustainability and diversity, which guides them as the only major Social Enterprise in the sector.


Corps Security engaged NCZ as they needed to establish a credible journey to net zero, understand where emissions originate from and where costs can be reduced. They also needed to establish a targeted approach to decarbonisation to ensure maximum success.

Phase 1

Establishing the baseline

(ISO 14064 organisational carbon footprint report)
NCZ Silver Certification. Establish complete carbon footprint for the business to drive reductions and cost savings.
476.15 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3


Phase 2 Initial assessment and solutions (quick wins)

Using the reported baseline of emissions, we were able to immediately assess and recommend solutions that would significantly reduce carbon emissions and costs, including:


  • Utilising a greater percentage of energy produced via ‘green’ energy sources.
  • Negotiating with landlords where they lease an office to install EV charging points.
  • Offsetting using ICROA approved projects to ensure a best practice approach to carbon neutrality.

Phase 3

Carbon reduction strategy

(the mid-term targets)
Once Phase 2 is complete we use the baseline footprint to map out a tailored strategy to reduce Corps Security’s carbon emissions on its journey to net zero. Throughout this process NCZ guides and facilitates the relevant expertise required from our approved supply partners directory to ensure the lowest impact of products/ services.
Scope 1

Electric vehicles

Negotiating with landlords where they lease an office to install EV charging points to further reduce fleet emissions.

Scope 1

Electric vehicles

Negotiating with landlords where they lease an office to install EV charging points to further reduce fleet emissions.

476.15 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Utilising a greater percentage of energy produced via ‘green’ energy sources and further explore available efficiency measures to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Analyse suppliers spend profiles to identify potential spend and emissions efficiencies, and business travel activities to explore opportunities to optimise.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Utilising a greater percentage of energy produced via ‘green’ energy sources and further explore available efficiency measures to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Analyse suppliers spend profiles to identify potential spend and emissions efficiencies, and business travel activities to explore opportunities to optimise.

Scope 1

Electric vehicles

Negotiating with landlords where they lease an office to install EV charging points to further reduce fleet emissions.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Utilising a greater percentage of energy produced via ‘green’ energy sources and further explore available efficiency measures to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Analyse suppliers spend profiles to identify potential spend and emissions efficiencies, and business travel activities to explore opportunities to optimise.

Corps Security is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. They have been certified to ISO14001 since 2009 and have completed both their Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements with a public statement contained within their director’s report. They have been certified Carbon Neutral via a 3rd party accreditation body since 2019 by undertaking offsetting using Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) worldwide schemes coupled with UK tree planting. They’ve also adopted video conferencing as a preference to travel for meetings and have started the electrification of their operational vehicle fleet with EV points, that in time will be powered by onsite renewable energy generation. The next stage of Corps’ carbon management programme will see a full Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) of all operational activities to pave the way for the provision of Carbon Neutral Security Services.

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