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Case StudiesFM - hard services


Overview of BELFOR UK Ltd

BELFOR UK has been restoring and recovering customers, of all types, after disaster has struck and caused damage to buildings, possessions, and assets for over 35 years. With a workforce of specialists and experts across the country, committed to the highest standards, they deliver quality, professional restoration, and recovery solutions to a wide variety of incidents. Not only that, but they do also it with care, confidence, and commitment, seeing past the damage to help recovery, whatever the situation.


BELFOR UK engaged NCZ as they needed to establish a credible journey to net zero, understand where emissions originate from and where costs can be reduced. They also needed to establish a targeted approach to decarbonisation to ensure maximum success.

Phase 1

Establishing the baseline

(ISO 14064 organisational carbon footprint report)
NCZ Silver and Gold Certification. Establish complete carbon footprint for the business to provide greater understanding of emissions and to develop a class leading solution to ensure all services are provided as a fully managed carbon neutral service offering.
2261.55 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3


Phase 2 Initial assessment and solutions (quick wins)

Using the reported baseline of emissions, we were able to immediately assess and recommend solutions that would significantly reduce carbon emissions and costs, including:


  • Replace company cars, used in operations, with higher fuel efficiency, hybrid or EV vehicles.
  • Reduce fuel and energy-related activities, explore the feasibility of phasing out gas for heating and explore more sustainable options.
  • Offer incentives for employees that choose lower emission business travel, or homeworking alternatives, where feasible.
  • Continue to reduce waste and increase recycling, by understanding the of type of waste and where the majority is generated.

Phase 3

Carbon reduction strategy

(the mid-term targets)
Once Phase 2 is complete we use the baseline footprint to map out a tailored strategy to reduce BELFOR UK’s carbon emissions on its journey to net zero. Throughout this process NCZ guides and facilitates the relevant expertise required from our approved supply partners directory to ensure the lowest impact of products/ services.
Scope 1

Company cars

Feasibility study to establish an appropriate transition for company vehicles towards hybrid and/ or electric alternatives where appropriate.

Scope 1

Company cars

Feasibility study to establish an appropriate transition for company vehicles towards hybrid and/ or electric alternatives where appropriate.

2261.55 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Explore renewable energy supply options and raise usage awareness to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Business travel

Further explore opportunities for the use of lower emissions intensive business travel, smart route planning and optimised employee commuting assistance.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Explore renewable energy supply options and raise usage awareness to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Business travel

Further explore opportunities for the use of lower emissions intensive business travel, smart route planning and optimised employee commuting assistance.

Scope 1

Company cars

Feasibility study to establish an appropriate transition for company vehicles towards hybrid and/ or electric alternatives where appropriate.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Explore renewable energy supply options and raise usage awareness to reduce consumption.

Scope 3

Business travel

Further explore opportunities for the use of lower emissions intensive business travel, smart route planning and optimised employee commuting assistance.

BELFOR UK have reduced their emissions over the past 2 years achieving NCZ Silver accreditation. TOTAL EMISSIONS (tCO2e) 2021 - 2,511.68, 2022 - 2,261.55, -10.0% overall reduction. BELFOR UK are now working towards NCZ Gold Certification. Having completed a full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which involves quantifying and reporting on all operational (service-related) carbon emissions BELFOR are now working on a roll out of fully managed carbon neutral services to all of their clients to ensure the emissions associated with their services are reported on, reduced, unavoidable emissions balanced and the process communicated to each client on a site-by-site basis.

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