Netural Carbone Zone
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Case StudiesFM - projects

Agilité Solutions

We’ve been working with Neutral Carbon Zone (NCZ) since 2022 to measure our organisational carbon footprint.

Through meticulous examination, we established a baseline using our metrics from 2022 and now that we have an understanding of how much CO2 is omitted through the existence of Agilité, we can work towards setting and meeting carbon reduction targets.

The support of Alan and his team has been invaluable, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the patience and direction of everyone at NCZ – we look forward to collaborating on the next stage of our certification process.

Kirsty ShearerOperational Excellence Director

Overview of Agilité Solutions

Agilité Solutions is an international commercial interiors specialist. Specialising in office, retail, and hospitality fit outs across Europe, they are unswervingly customer service orientated and offer a bespoke set of service options. Ranging from due diligence, sustainability guidance, space planning and design, through to strip out, installation, furniture recycle schemes, dilapidation advice, and final delivery.


Agilité engaged NCZ as they needed to establish a credible journey to net zero, understand where emissions originate from and where costs can be reduced. They also needed to establish a targeted approach to decarbonisation to ensure maximum success.

Phase 1

Establishing the baseline

(ISO 14064 organisational carbon footprint report)
NCZ Gold Certification. Establish a complete carbon footprint for the business to drive emissions reductions and cost savings throughout the organisation and the services it provides.
654.65 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3


Phase 2 Initial assessment and solutions (quick wins)

Using the reported baseline of emissions, we were able to immediately assess and recommend solutions that would significantly reduce carbon emissions and costs, including:


  • An in-depth supply-chain analysis to highlight any potential efficiencies that are available and/or currently appropriate to be implemented.
  • Establishing a tracking process for fuel use and/or distances travelled by type, as well as considering alternative modes of transport and route, that are more carbon efficient.
  • Analysis into the requirement for the use of gas within the business premises and switching to green tariffs in the next energy contract tender to reduce carbon and fossil fuel reliance.
  • Focusing on waste reduction measures where possible, by understanding the type of waste and disposal needed, as well as a potential zero waste to landfill policy.
  • Switching to a 100% renewable energy tariff for purchased electricity and investigating the opportunities for the reduction in electricity consumption.

Phase 3

Carbon reduction strategy

(the mid-term targets)
Once Phase 2 is complete we use the baseline footprint to map out a tailored strategy to reduce Agilité’s carbon emissions on its journey to net zero. Throughout this process NCZ guides and facilitates the relevant expertise required from our approved supply partners directory to ensure the lowest impact of products/ services.
Scope 1

Fleet travel

Encouraging greater use of public transport, where this is an option, and/or undertake meetings through virtual platforms where site meetings are not essential.

Scope 1

Fleet travel

Encouraging greater use of public transport, where this is an option, and/or undertake meetings through virtual platforms where site meetings are not essential.

654.65 tCO2e (100%)

Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 3

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Switching to a 100% renewable energy tariff for purchased electricity and investigating the opportunities for reducing electricity consumption further.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Engaging with the supply-chain to understand and encourage the calculation of their own carbon footprint, to enable more accurate calculation in the future based on an ‘emission by revenue factor’ per supplier.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Switching to a 100% renewable energy tariff for purchased electricity and investigating the opportunities for reducing electricity consumption further.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Engaging with the supply-chain to understand and encourage the calculation of their own carbon footprint, to enable more accurate calculation in the future based on an ‘emission by revenue factor’ per supplier.

Scope 1

Fleet travel

Encouraging greater use of public transport, where this is an option, and/or undertake meetings through virtual platforms where site meetings are not essential.

Scope 2

Renewable energy

Switching to a 100% renewable energy tariff for purchased electricity and investigating the opportunities for reducing electricity consumption further.

Scope 3

Supply chain management

Engaging with the supply-chain to understand and encourage the calculation of their own carbon footprint, to enable more accurate calculation in the future based on an ‘emission by revenue factor’ per supplier.

As Agilite have now successfully progressed to NCZ Gold Certification, a full Lifecycle assessment is currently underway to model the emissions associated with the operational activities of its services. This will enable Agilite to provide a detailed breakdown of the emissions generated on a contract-by-contract basis, and therefore provide valuable insight into the impact, and ultimately management of the emissions of every commissioned service provided.

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